Outside the Box - Downtown Brooklyn
Another innovative collaboration with Highview Creations, seamlessly incorporates green roof technologies combined with more traditional roof top container gardening techniques. Gardens literally burst from the architecture softening the industrial materials, spilling over pavers, and climbing walls. Planters nestle within the colorful chaos to restore order and provide more root space allowing for larger shade trees.
RMD selects successful species, again largely native and pollinator attractors, based on decades of experience gardening the New York City skyline. A lively contrast of color, texture, and shape create a mosaic of light, shadow, and even fragrance. Cleverly designed seating and viewing spaces provide secret enclaves and highlight special vistas, breaking up an otherwise overwhelming exposed expanse, humanizing the rooftop above Brooklyn. The overall effect slows visitors down, heightening senses, almost to the point of forgetting the city but never entirely erasing the essential urban environment they call home.
Once again, this imitable hanging garden attracts discerning potential residents to a part of the city they might not have considered choosing.